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“Finding Your Voice While Networking“


Do you ever feel insecure or scared when you walk into a networking meeting for the first time and you don’t know anyone there? What is your first thought? Turn around and leave, maybe no one saw you enter and won’t notice you leave. Or, do you find an excuse as to why you can’t be there at all? I forgot my business cards , I will just come to the next one. Have you ever had any of these feelings or thoughts run through your mind?

I can definitely relate to this as I feel I can fall into the introvert role and make millions of excuses as to why I can’t attend or why I can’t speak at a networking event. However once I am there and say hello to a few people the introvert in me starts to melt away and all of a sudden I am the extrovert. I hope I am not the only one this has happend to. I usually open up right away, I begin introducing myself and meeting wonderful people, helping others with questions and ideas and the night goes great. But why do we do this to ourselves? How can we avoid distracting ourselves and believing we are not good enough or have what it takes to network our business and connect with other like minded people?

Find your voice! What makes you feel confident; a certain look, a feeling ,a place? We all have it within us and are capable of making amazing connections, sharing our business, and building it through networking. This is such an important area for your own mental health and your business. Networking does not need to be meeting strangers in the back room of a local restaurant or at your local chamber of commerce. Networking can be saying hello to the person behind you in the Starbucks line and complimenting them on their outfit, or mentioning the weather, or even asking what their favorite drink is. You never know how a little kindness and comment may turn into a moment to make a connection. That connection can very well turn into a way to help or be helped with your business. Starting off small, making brief connections during your daily errands can be a great way for you to build your confidence , FIND YOUR VOICE and work your way to bigger areas like speaking at networking events or local community events.

To feel empowered is to exhibit a sense of confidence and self-efficacy in your journey to have a voice and be heard. To grow your business and make powerful connections. Don’t let fear get in the way of what you truly want for yourself and your business. Taking small baby steps can be the beginning of getting out of your comfort zone and embracing the self confidence you know you have.

I encourage you to set a goal for yourself to make 5 connections in 7 days and see how you can create a business connection out of them. Be open to the possibilities of what these connections may look like for you. It may not always be to grow a customer, it may be, that person can help you with your business.

I would love to hear your feedback on this and what works for you to help FIND YOUR VOICE.

Leave your comments below.

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